Privacy Policy Mobile Number Locator


You can share your live location with other users in your family or social circle using a Live mobile number tracker app. The personal information of its users is respected by this App. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, disclose, transmit, store, and secure personal information obtained through our Service, as well as your data collection and usage options. All Live mobile number tracker app users are subject to this Privacy Policy.


Registration and Profile Information.

When you create an account with us, we may ask for personal information such your username and Phone number, password and a display picture. 


We collect your location data from your mobile device using GPS coordinates (e.g., latitude/longitude) and use WIFI to sync data with the server. For real- time location monitoring, we also require users to grant foreground and background permission from their device settings.

Contact information

Your phonebook information is required, to access your phone's contacts and notify you if someone else using this app.

Contacts are only read to display the names of your friends and family members rather than simply phone numbers.

Limit location sharing with your Circle. 

You may also disable device location data in the settings of your mobile device. You can also limit the Live mobile number tracker app from accessing your smartphone's location data by changing your device settings. Please note that if you disable location data access in your device settings, your Live mobile number tracker app may not be able to provide you with all of our Services.

Transaction data. 

When you avail of premium features, you have to disclose financial account information to our third-party service providers, such as your credit card information. We do not collect or store complete credit card numbers, but we may get credit card-related data, such as the date, time, and amount of the transaction, as well as the kind of payment method used.

Sharing data with third party

We gather data utilizing third-party APIs Firebase and Ad mob to assess users' interests, provide a better user experience, and provide tailored advertising. The information we collect is determined by the context of your interactions with us, the decisions you make, including your privacy settings, and the products and services you use.


We only keep your personal data for as long as it is reasonably necessary, such as for as long as you keep your registered Application user account active and until you decide to uninstall it.


The processing of your location data is required in order for the Application to allow you to share your location with your contacts in real-time. As a User, you agree that we can access and store your location. Only you can selects who you want to share your location with at any given time, therefore only those Users who have been expressly selected by you will see your real-time location. Under no conditions, the information about the User's location is shared with any third parties other than those that the user has authorized.

You may also opt-out of sharing your location with other people at any time. To accomplish this, you will need to remove all circles.

The processing of your contact data in your phonebook is necessary so that you are able to locate your contacts in our Application and enable your communication with them. Our lawful ground for processing personal data is your consent, as well as the fact that it is required to provide our service.


Live mobile number tracker app reserves the right to amend or update this Privacy Policy at any moment, so you should check back periodically. If we update the policy, the 'last changed' date at the top of this page will be revised. If we make any significant changes to this Privacy Policy or how a Live mobile number tracker app uses your personal information, we will notify you either by publicly publishing a notice of the changes before implementing them or by sending you a communication directly.


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