Privacy Policy - DTMP

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Learn about Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last modified on Jan 16, 2021.
This app is committed to protect your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding the collection, use, disclosure, and protection of information that is collected through our mobile app (collectively, our “Service”), as well as your choices regarding the collection and use of information.

1. How We Collect and Use Information

  •  Location data
    • This app get your location data in background in order to show you your phone Geo locations and movements. 
    • We use your location data for advertising purposes to show you most relevant ads. We share this information with Google Admob. 
    • We also share your location and other device data with Google Analytics. Google utilizes the data collected to track and examine the use of this application, to prepare reports on its activities and share them with other Google services. Google may use the data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. 
  • Device Information
    • We collect your phone sensors information like device motion sensor and proximity sensor to facilitate you with the "Don't Touch My Phone" and "Anti Pocket Snatching" features. 
    • We use motion sensor to detect your phone moments and alert you when your phone is moved
    • We collect your phone proximity sensor to detect phone actions and facilitate you with "Anti Pocket Snatching" feature.
    • We may share your device sensor data and other data like phone OS, battery life, device model etc with Google analytics. 

We do not collect, use or share any of your personal data other than location and device information with any services. We use location and device information only to facilitate your with our app functionality.  We care about your privacy 

2. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may, in its sole discretion, modify or update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and so you should review this page periodically. When we change the policy, we will update the ‘last modified’ date at the top of this page.


3. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the Service, please contact us at


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